This is a summary of my career path.
You can see details about my Projects in my:
03/2024 - 08/2024
Internship as Sofware Engineer at Mercedes Benz
During my internship at Mercedes Benz I worked on creating and documenting a Unity Project to import optimized virtual production plants and view them in VR and WebGL.
03/2023 - now
Tutor at the HNU: Programming in GoDot, C# & Unity
I currently work as tutor at the University of Applied Science Neu-Ulm (HNU).
As a Tutor I guide freshmen in prepared weekly GoDot and C# programming tutorials.

10/2021 - expexted 08/2025
Studies: Game Production & Management (B.A.)
The study has a focus on:
Business Administration,
Business Psychology, Projektmanagement,
Concept and Design of Video Games incl. Software Development.

09/2013 - 06/2021
I made my Abitur in Math, English, Physics, and Philosophy at the
"Gymnasium der Benediktiner" in Meschede.
01/2019 - 02/2019
Internship: Children and Youth Center
At the "Diakonie Ruhr Hellweg E.V. (Meschede)",
I looked after children from afternoon to evening.
And did some woodworking workshops.

08/2017 - 06/2021
Part-time job: Head of two school working groups
I lead the the AG ~ Robotics & Electronics and
also the AG ~ Art after founding it.A special highlight for me was creating 3D-Models and printing them with a 3D-Printer for the school including pieces for a self made board game.